Chloe Stopa-Hunt is a poet, occasional critic and disability activist. She was educated at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, editing the 2013 Mays Anthology and winning an Eric Gregory Award in 2014. Now mostly confined to bed, she is rarely able to give public readings, but welcomes continued digital contact where possible.


White Hills (Clinic, 2016) was the LRB Bookshop’s Pamphlet of the Year, and one of the Poetry School’s books of the year. Poems and translations have appeared in journals including Ambit, Magma, Poetry London, Envoi, Poem, Oxford Poetry, and Eborakon.

Online poetry publications include The White Review, Tender, Clinic, Poems In Which, Visual Verse, and Ink Sweat & Tears.

Reviews have appeared in print and online journals, ranging from Poetry Review and Poetry London, to Asymptote, Oxonian Review, and Mslexia. Collaborations include work with contemporary composers Daniel Saleeb, Alison Willis and Myron Silberstein on the lyrics for choral and art song pieces (This Blue Dark is available on YouTube), and creating the script for 2sidesofthemoon, a multimedia tribute to the women of King’s College, Cambridge. Chloe has microblogged about living with severe disability since 2010.


instagram: @bettergraces